Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Case Of The Cold

Greetings and salaam everyone.

I really wish I could do all of the above, but I'm stuck with -surprise, surprise- the final General Pathology paper tomorrow.

I know, it's the classic sick-before-an-important-exam-that-is-tomorrow illness. Hooray.

It all started yesterday evening if I am not mistaken. My room in the varsity lodge is quite dusty due to excessive amounts of nooks and crannies that dust bunnies can sneak in between. I kept sneezing, but it usually goes off after a few hours. Fast forward to midnight, and I was still sneezing. That's it, I thought. There's a probability that I might develop a throbbing headache, droopy eyelids and a sore throat the next day.

I was half right. ('Tis quite relieving that I wasn't completely right, you know.)

I fell asleep in the midst of finishing my lab practical; papers were still strewn on the bed but I couldn't be arsed to move any of them. 8 hours later, I should've felt quite fresh because no one can actually get 8 hours of sleep these days (student problems, ekh). But I didn't. I was still sleepy, my eyelids were heavy and my nose was congested. To summarise everything, I felt bloody crappy in the morning. Nonetheless I was thankful because there wasn't any signs of a sore throat. Alhamdulillah to that.

I called mom to see if the flu medicine she gave me would cause me to be engrossed in the deepest of sleeps, but she told me that it doesn't. I took it hoping it might work; no such luck as of now. Oh well, I guess it isn't my lucky day.

'Tis almost dusk and I haven't even finished half of the topics I'm supposed to study. I know I'm screwed, and I feel bloody terrible but I can't help it that I'm out of focus. I want to sleep so badly, but here I am, writing on my blog about my tragic case of getting sick before finals. Bless anyone who actually pities me, aka no one.

I want to go home. Here's to surviving tomorrow's final paper. In shaa Allah.

Listening to Ed Sheeran while typing this is immensely calming. I feel slightly better. All thanks to you, Ginger Lad. And Happy New Year, everyone. Here's to a better year, a better me and better experiences. Cheers xx


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Someone actually has something to say? Cool :)