Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Temporary Abandonment

I'm back, blog.

Does it feel like I've abandoned you?

Well, that's because I did. But only for a little while, I promise. To be honest, I haven't the time to update much here. My life has been a whirlwind so far, with quizzes and exams to catch up to every week. I expected a hectic life, but I wasn't prepared for long sleepless nights and excessive brain usage. Seriously, I think my brain might explode with medical facts if I keep reading now. This is what I've signed up for, and I can't afford to go back to square one.

The end-of-course exam is on Friday, and General Anatomy officially ended yesterday. 23 topics of cellular awesomeness (I can't bear to say that cells are boring, dull and uninteresting. Oops, I guess I did, eh? Lol). Have I prepared, you say? Let's just say that I've read a bunch of things. Period.

I really have to step up to the game because although my quiz marks are decent, I kinda screwed up during the mid-course exam. I can only blame myself for that. But curse you, true/false + negative marking people. You just made my life a million times harder than it already is.

Thank goodness the final exam doesn't include true/false. I would, as Prof Khin would say "DIE, LAH!" if they include them in. Prof Khin's very loveable, you see. *sarcasm*

Anyway, I pomise I'll be back after the final exam. Malaysia Day's on Sunday and alhamdulillah, the next day will be a holiday. Yay for public holidays that fall on Sundays! I love you :) so that means, I'll be blogging to no end until the 'readers' of this blog will get sick of my posts. But that's why you followed me in the first place. Eh, eh? This is sad because no one reads my crap. Okbye. *awkward silence*

P/s: We have a new housemate! Her name's Mahfuzah and she's from Johor. She's Fatin Najihah's (my ex-classmate from UiTM) best friend, what a weird coincidence, right?! I hope she'll fit in with the rest of us really quickly :)

FINAL EXAM ASDFGAHSHHD. That is all, thank you.


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Someone actually has something to say? Cool :)